construction worker

Safety - We Own It In The Colorado Commercial Construction World

At Brinkman Construction, We Own Safety. For us, safety is personal. It’s about our workers and their families and making sure everyone that steps foot on our jobsites can return home safely at the end of the day. As a 100% employee owned company, every member of our organization is empowered to own safety and make it their ultimate priority.

At Brinkman Construction, we have an award-winning zero-incident safety culture. In addition to project-specific awards such as the Eating Recovery Center Merit Award for Safety, we’ve also achieved the OSHA/AGC CHASE Blue designation, demonstrating the strength of our safety program and history.

Our safety program is extensive and reaches every area of our company through quarterly, monthly, weekly, and daily touch points. Our quarterly Safest Project recognition program awards the jobsite with the highest scoring safety assessments from the previous quarter.

safety summit We are committed to training our employees through monthly safety trainings, OSHA 10-HR and 30-HR courses, First Aid/CPR Training, and a variety of task-specific training. We also train our subcontractors through our mandatory jobsite Safety Orientation Program and weekly Safety Meetings during which site and project-specific hazards are always a topic of discussion.

In addition to an ongoing focus on training, we’ve also implemented the practice of completing Job Hazard Analyses (JHAs) for every task performed on our jobsites. These JHAs trigger employees and subcontractors to put precautions in place to prevent safety incidents. Beyond our proactive tactics, we also inspect our jobsites regularly throughout each day and take disciplinary action for unsafe practices.

The high quality of our safety program has led to Brinkman Construction’s low EMR, DART and RIR and elicits confidence with our trade partners and clients, but beyond the procedures that are in place, our people truly care about the well-being of the men and women on our jobsites. They’re passionate about making sure they have a safe working environment. They’re driven to build safely.